When it launched last year in August, the POCO F1 became the most affordable smartphone with the Snapdragon 835 in it. The phone featured impressive hardware for the price it was retailing at and went on to sell like hotcakes. On Wednesday, the folks over at DxOMark released their score for the POCO F1 awarding it a "respectable" 91 points. Turns out, the closest POCO F1 came to beat in camera performance was the Apple iPhone 8. According to DxOMark, the POCO F1 shines in capturing stills with its fast autofocus, eye-pleasing colors and accurate white balance. It's got a 92 score in just the Photo tests which reaffirms that the POCO F1 is able to capture nice imagery in well-lit conditions. "Achieving an overall DxOMark mobile score of 91 points, the Xiaomi Pocophone F1 puts in a very respectable performance in our tests, but lands outside the top 20 in our database for smartphone image quality," reads the DxOMark test on POCO F1. In their tests, DxOMark fou...