The Mi Notebook Pro and Mi NoteBook Ultra laptops will go on sale in India starting today. Xiaomi announced the two premium laptops in The Mi NoteBook series last week along with the Mi Band 6, smart router, Mi TV 5X, and more at the Smarter Living 2022 event . The Mi NoteBook Pro and Ultra are a big jump from last year’s Mi NoteBook 14 series in terms of display, CPU, keyboard, port options, and much more. Here is how much these new laptops will cost and the early bird discount you can avail Mi NoteBook Ultra price, offers, and specs Mi NoteBook Ultra Mi NoteBook Pro i5 + 8GB Rs 59,999 Rs 56,999 i5 + 16GB Rs 63,999 Rs 59,999 i7 + 16GB Rs 76,999 Rs 72,999 (Image credit: Xiaomi) The Mi NoteBook Ultra comes in three configurations 一 the Core i5 and 8GB variant costs Rs 59,999, the Core i5 and 8GB RAM will cost you Rs 63,999 while the top of the Core i7 and 16GB RAM costs Rs 76,999. The Mi NoteBook Ultra will be available s...