Despite what Wi-Fi and mobile data might lead people to believe, the internet is less of a nebulus cloud of data in the air above us, and more of an intricate mesh of wires firing away beneath our feet. The world’s online networks are powered by a complex system of underwater and underground cabling, supplemented in some regions by satellite links. Around 380 undersea cables carry over 99.5% of all transoceanic data , running for 750,000 miles across the ocean floor. These fiber optic wires connect the massive data centers supporting cloud behemoths such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. Huawei to sell undersea cable business Check out our list of the best cloud computing services on the market Google, Facebook to activate undersea web cable, excluding China and Hong Kong The total number of submarine cables shot up during a period of rapid growth in the mid-2000s , followed by an interval during which relatively little new cable was laid, but avai...